About Us

Bridges Africa has roots in the United States of America & Africa. We are based in the Greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Having lived and worked on both continents, our goal is to create opportunities that benefit both economies.

Bringing societies together has never been an easy calling. After reflecting upon the possibilities to help people, organizations, and opportunities to come together, we decided to launch Bridges Africa, a United States of America Tax exemption -501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation. Our mission is to promote trade and cultural exchange between our US-based partners and our partners based on the Continent of Africa.

Kean G. Goue
Founder & Chairman of Bridges Africa

Our Goals

Opportunities for people

Leverage opportunities from both sides of the earth to increase their revenues and create jobs.

Investment in Future

Open doors to investment opportunities in the following industries: Agriculture, Technology, Green Energies & Construction.


Collaborate with sister organizations around the USA and Africa to create an environment of trust and foster international development.

Why Bridges

Bridges are structures built to span physical obstacles. The connections provided by bridges benefit those on both ends of the bridge. Together we can create new connections. Bridges Africa is here to stay and wants to be your stepping stone in leveraging opportunities in the USA and in Africa.


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